
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2016

Sobre Francia (i): Victor Hugo y el Index librorum prohibitorum

I.-  Recojo unas lineas del libro de Simon Leys,  Hall of Uselessness, (New York; New York  Review Book,  2011),  sobre   Les Misérables de Victor Hugo: "The book was first printed in Brussels (1 April 1862); other editions immediately followed, nearly simultaneously, in Paris, Madrid,, London, Leipzig, Milan, Nales, Warsaw, Saint Petersburg, Rio de Janeiro. From the start it exerted a universal appeal: the original publication was delayed at the printers by the tears of the typographers who were reading and composing the gallery proofs. Their emotion and enthusiasm were soon to be shared by the most diverse readership - French and foreign, young and old, naïve and sophisticated. At the remotest end of Europe, Tolstoy secured without delay a copy of the book and was overwhelmed. One may say without exaggeration that Les Miresables triggered War and Peace. Giants breed giants". El libro fue  primero impreso en Bruselas (01 de abril de 1862); otras ediciones siguier